Post by Kevin YoungAny idea on how to get Russian characters to the user screen and printer. I have Russian translations for all the English
strings used in my program. I would like to keep the code and insert the Russian characters.
In principle all you have to do is to use a DOS (or Windows DOS emulation) with
a Russian Codepage: I use french and the principle is the same for accented
characters which exist in french and not in english.
For a DOS emulation in Windows 98se:
In config.sys I have:
device=c:\windows\COMMAND\display.sys con=(ega,,1)
in autoexec.bat I have
mode con codepage prepare=((850) c:\windows\COMMAND\ega.cpi)
mode con codepage select=850
033 is france, 850 is codepage for french
You have to find the numbers for russian,
but probably you know if you already work sometimes in russian
Maurice Lombardi
Laboratoire de Spectrometrie Physique,
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCE
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 51 47 51
Fax: 33 (0)4 76 63 54 95